Google Ads updates in August, 2019 – Stay updated with latest Techs - Bulk SMS India

Check Google Ads latest updation on their policies on 9th August 2019 regarding keyword selection. We all know how much Keywords are vital if you want to rank in SERP. Google updates are related to same-meaning close variants for an exact match, phrase match and broad match modifier on your keyword matching.

Before that, Know more about on which terms, Google Ads will appear to people -

Broad Match Modifier – Ads will appear to people who use exact words (or their close variants) within the search phrase. You specify which words must appear.

Broad Match – Ads will appear to people who use synonyms, misspellings, related searches, and other relevant terms. Broad Match is the default keyword modifier.

Phrase Match – Ads will appear to people who use the exact phrase (or close variants) you specified in your search term.

Exact Match – Ads will appear to people who use the exact search term (or close variants) that you specify.

What happened in the past - Close variants have included misspellings, singular or plural, stemming, abbreviations and accents. Now, it will also include the same meaning queries. Google provides the following example of the new matching. Notice +mowing matches to “grass cutting” and “cut your grass. 

Broad Match Modifier Keyword Details –
Broad match modifier keywords can match queries in any word order. In the past, close variants have included misspellings, singular or plural, stemming, abbreviations and accents. Now, it will also include the same meaning queries. Google provides the following example of the new matching. Notice +mowing matches to “grass cutting” and “cut your grass.

Broad Match Modifier Keyword = + Lawn + Mowing + Service

Matched Queries before the Update = Services to Mow my lawn & Lawn mowing and edging service

Matched Queries after the Updates – Grass Cutting and Gardening Services & Rates for Services That Cut Your Grass.

Phrase Match Keyword Details - Close Variants

The example below shows “lawn mowing” matching to “grass cutting” and “lawn cutting” followed by “service” and “services”.

Phrase Match Modifier Keyword = Lawn Mowing Service 

Matched Queries before the Update = Lawn Mowing Service Prices & Seasonal Lawn Mowing Service rates

Matched Queries after the Updates – Grass Cutting Service Near Me & Local Lawn Cutting Services

Monitor performance and set a Routine for checking your search terms reports as per this Google Updates.

BulkSMSIndia motive is to Stay engaged with Google Latest Updates so that we can update our Clients and users with these updations. Our professional SEO Team knows that New technology and its implications affect everyone sooner or later, and when this updation regarding Google, Noone can miss out. Especially those who are involved in marketing and advertising.

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